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Set within the fictional realms of Charles Dickens' critically acclaimed
novels, Dickensian brings together some of his most iconic characters,
including Scrooge, Fagin and Miss Havisham, as their lives intertwine in
19th century London. The Old Curiosity Shop sits next door to The Three
Cripples Pub, while Fagin's Den is hidden down a murky alley off a
bustling Victorian street. With a wealth of back stories sourced from
the novels, Dickensian delivers fast-paced storylines with surprising
twists and turns in this 20-part series.

  • 2015-12-26
  • --
  • Drama
Airs on:
  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Type: Scripted
Seasons: 1
Selected by: 594 PPL
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Episode Dates and Show Summary for Dickensian (Newest First)

Season 1
+ Dickensian #20  Episode 20 21st Feb 2016 8 years ago 18:25 - 18:55 gb Show
Season 1, Episode 20 - "Episode 20"
Arthur wants to finally become the man that his father envisioned for him, so enquires about services from Fagin and Bill Sikes. Amelia tries her wedding dress on, but her heartstrings are torn after hearing Compeyson's confession. Dodger returns and meets a cold and frightened boy outside the Bumbles.
Type: Scripted | Network: BBC One | Status: Ended | Rating: unrated [ Login to vote ]
+ Dickensian #19  Episode 19 19th Feb 2016 8 years ago 20:30 - 21:00 gb Show
Season 1, Episode 19 - "Episode 19"
It is the day before the Havisham Wedding and Satis House is being prepared. All must be perfect. While Arthur distracts Compeyson at the pub, Matthew arrives at Satis House with members of the board of the brewery to try and put a stop to the wedding.When Compeyson arrives at Satis House he plays a high-risk game, declaring himself fed up with all the suspicions around him, and calls off the wedding. How will Amelia react to this turn of events?The Bumbles prepare for the arrival of the Board with anticipation of success beyond promotion. With much at stake for Mr Bumble, will all run smoothly?Meanwhile, Edward has arranged for Sir Leicester to visit and Honoria knows that she must face a difficult decision - one that will affect the future of her entire family.
Type: Scripted | Network: BBC One | Status: Ended | Rating: unrated [ Login to vote ]
+ Dickensian #18  Episode 18 18th Feb 2016 8 years ago 20:00 - 20:30 gb Show
Season 1, Episode 18 - "Episode 18"
Having identified Jacob Marley's killer, Inspector Bucket faces a moral dilemma which threatens to challenge the foundations of the New Detective.Meanwhile Arthur Havisham is devastated and fears he has lost any chance of reconciling with his sister. He is also stricken with guilt at setting her up with Compeyson. Then out of the blue, his possible salvation arrives - Matthew Pocket back from America and determined to prevent Amelia's doomed wedding.
Type: Scripted | Network: BBC One | Status: Ended | Rating: unrated [ Login to vote ]
+ Dickensian #17  Episode 17 12th Feb 2016 8 years ago 20:30 - 21:00 gb Show
Season 1, Episode 17 - "Episode 17"
Inspector Bucket has officially been taken off the case of Jacob Marley's murder - but before he goes back to his old station he is determined to have one last shot at solving the conundrum.While he is retracing Marley's last steps with Mr Venus, Bucket arrives at a new theory: this killer was neither a criminal nor a thug, but a scared individual who had been the victim of Marley's punishing debt-collecting. All he has in concrete though is a splinter of wood from the murder weapon.Meanwhile, Compeyson is unaware that Amelia saw him kissing Sally. When he arrives at Satis House, he is surprised by the frosty reception he receives. Will he be able to turn things around again?Having recovered from his drunken excess of last night, Hawdon rushes to Barbary House to discover Honoria a shadow of herself. Honoria informs him of the death of their child and makes a rash decision about their future.Elsewhere, Inspector Bucket uncovers some evidence that finally enables him to solve the murder case.
Type: Scripted | Network: BBC One | Status: Ended | Rating: unrated [ Login to vote ]
+ Dickensian #16  Episode 16 11th Feb 2016 8 years ago 20:00 - 20:30 gb Show
Season 1, Episode 16 - "Episode 16"
Honoria Barbary is going into labour. Her waters break just as she is planning to leave the family home, leaving her stranded and at her most vulnerable with her older sister Frances. Edward Barbary isn't at home and even the maid has the day off so the two girls are entirely alone.Not knowing the first thing about childbirth, Frances sends a note with a messenger boy to Captain Hawdon, requesting a doctor. The boy finds Hawdon in the pub, drunk and loudly bemoaning his lot. Seeing the note is from Frances, Hawdon throws it into the fire without reading it. What repercussions will this drunken decision have for Honoria and her unborn child?Back at the house, emotions are running high as the intensity of the crisis brings out all the suppressed feelings between the two sisters, bringing them closer. However, Frances is left with a terrible decision to make.
Type: Scripted | Network: BBC One | Status: Ended | Rating: unrated [ Login to vote ]
+ Dickensian #15  Episode 15 5th Feb 2016 8 years ago 20:30 - 21:00 gb Show
Season 1, Episode 15 - "Episode 15"
Captain Hawdon secretly visits Honoria for a good luck kiss before his interview to achieve promotion: it seems everything is going their way. However, Honoria is stunned when she discovers that Frances scuppered his first chance of promotion and forged a letter to Sir Leicester. As tempers flare and the argument threatens to spiral out of control there are alarming consequences for Honoria.Meanwhile Arthur and Jaggers express their doubts to Amelia about Compeyson. On the way back from buying a wedding present, Amelia spots Compeyson embracing Sally, leaving her devastated.Elsewhere another body is discovered and - in a show of no confidence - Bucket is removed from the case. His replacement, Inspector Thompson, beats a confession out of a suspect but Bucket is convinced the murders were committed by two different killers.Mr Bumble's interview was a disaster but he is given a second chance - his workhouse will be inspected in two weeks time.Fagin returns from prison to find Bill Sikes holding a bag of cash for Nancy. Fagin knows that the money is his, but as Bill stands with a snarling Bullseye, there is little Fagin can do.
Type: Scripted | Network: BBC One | Status: Ended | Rating: unrated [ Login to vote ]
+ Dickensian #14  Episode 14 4th Feb 2016 8 years ago 20:00 - 20:30 gb Show
Season 1, Episode 14 - "Episode 14"
Inspector Bucket needs to get to Dodger before any of Fagin's cronies can. Using Nancy, he gets Dodger to the Three Cripples - but will Nancy regret placing her trust in the detective?Delighted she no longer needs to marry Sir Leicester, Honoria calls Hawdon to the house to reveal the good news. Faced with yet more family shame, Frances meets Sir Leicester and tells him that Honoria is away with a sick relative, but begged to be kept in his thoughts.Meanwhile, Compeyson tells Arthur that Amelia is more than a match for him, but he could persuade her to buy Arthur's share of the brewery at an inflated price. Desperate to claw his way out of the mess he is in, Arthur accepts. Will this be the end of Arthur's problems with Compeyson?Elsewhere, Mr Venus provides Tiny Tim with a new crutch - and aware of his family's extreme financial difficulties, Peter makes a difficult decision.
Type: Scripted | Network: BBC One | Status: Ended | Rating: unrated [ Login to vote ]
+ Dickensian #13  Episode 13 28th Jan 2016 8 years ago 20:00 - 20:30 gb Show
Season 1, Episode 13 - "Episode 13"
Amelia visits Honoria at work to deliver some surprising news. After she leaves, Honoria pens a letter and sends it with the Boy - is it to Captain Hawdon?When Amelia shares her news with Arthur and Jaggers they both warn her off rushing into things with Compeyson. Every rejection makes Amelia more determined: she will be happy.Elsewhere, Bucket is running out of reasons to keep Fagin in prison. In the Three Cripples, he spots Compeyson's wallet with very distinctive markings - JM for Jacob Marley. Compeyson explains that he bought the wallet from the Old Curiosity shop and Nell tells Bucket she got the wallet from Fagin. Will Fagin be able to explain how he came to have the wallet in his possession?
Type: Scripted | Network: BBC One | Status: Ended | Rating: unrated [ Login to vote ]
+ Dickensian #12  Episode 12 27th Jan 2016 8 years ago 20:00 - 20:30 gb Show
Season 1, Episode 12 - "Episode 12"
It's the day of the important shareholders' meeting and Amelia invites Compeyson to attend and ensure that Arthur behaves.Compeyson hopes that she will flounder in this environment and realise she needs his assistance in running the business. However, an unexpected encounter with someone from his past delays him and when he finally arrives at the meeting he sees a thrilled Amelia, relishing in her success. Compeyson realises that he must do something extraordinary to get his hands on her inheritance.Meanwhile, Inspector Bucket and his men storm into Croucher's Warehouse and make a shocking discovery. Fagin arrives immediately afterwards and Bucket arrests him, confident that he now has something to link him to the murder of Jacob Marley.Elsewhere, Peter gives the money he saved for Nell's birthday to his mother after seeing her weep over Tim's poor health, and Mrs. Gamp may have outstayed her welcome with Silas.
Type: Scripted | Network: BBC One | Status: Ended | Rating: unrated [ Login to vote ]
+ Dickensian #11  Episode 11 22nd Jan 2016 8 years ago 20:30 - 21:00 gb Show
Season 1, Episode 11 - "Episode 11"
After Arthur almost gives the game away, Compeyson is trying to win over Amelia - this time to let him into her business decisions. However, she proves resistant. Her father left her this brewery and that shows he trusts her.After visiting her father in the debtors' prison, Honoria reluctantly agrees to meet with Sir Leicester to discuss their courtship. She would do anything to save her father, but could this be the end of her relationship with Captain Hawdon?Meanwhile, Inspector Bucket discovers that Jacob Marley owned a warehouse by the docks. Bucket goes to watch outside the grim looking place and his patience pays off when he sees Fagin arriving at the building.Elsewhere, The Bumbles hear some exciting work news, while Silas Wegg notices that Mrs. Gamp has been helping herself to his gin.
Type: Scripted | Network: BBC One | Status: Ended | Rating: unrated [ Login to vote ]
+ Dickensian #10  Episode 10 21st Jan 2016 8 years ago 20:00 - 20:30 gb Show
Season 1, Episode 10 - "Episode 10"
Compeyson is now officially courting Miss Havisham and again demands money from Arthur to make himself seem a more credible suitor. Arthur is driven to selling some personal family items to obtain the money, and with some drink inside him almost gives the game away in front of Amelia. Will Compeyson let this slip up go unpunished?Meanwhile, Honoria is determined to solve her father's debt problems and avoid an arranged marriage with Sir Leicester. She sets out with Captain Hawdon to find a plausible solution, but their attempts come up short.Elsewhere, the Bumbles entertain Mr Gradgrind, Bumble's boss, and the Cratchit's are getting increasingly worried about Tiny Tim.
Type: Scripted | Network: BBC One | Status: Ended | Rating: unrated [ Login to vote ]
+ Dickensian #9  Episode 9 14th Jan 2016 8 years ago 20:00 - 20:30 gb Show
Season 1, Episode 9 - "Episode 9"
Edward finds that his situation is deteriorating as Scrooge demands that his loan be repaid. Amelia is surprised when Compeyson arrives with a present, as she struggles to move on past losing Jip.
Type: Scripted | Network: BBC One | Status: Ended | Rating: unrated [ Login to vote ]
+ Dickensian #8  Episode 8 13th Jan 2016 8 years ago 20:00 - 20:30 gb Show
Season 1, Episode 8 - "Episode 8"
Arthur needs to find the courage to confide in Matthew before Compeyson's plan comes into effect. Inspector Bucket catches sight of Barbary.
Type: Scripted | Network: BBC One | Status: Ended | Rating: unrated [ Login to vote ]
+ Dickensian #7  Episode 7 7th Jan 2016 8 years ago 20:00 - 20:30 gb Show
Season 1, Episode 7 - "Episode 7"
Comepeyson is concerned when he learns of a potential rival at Satis House. A drunken prank goes dangerously wrong.
Type: Scripted | Network: BBC One | Status: Ended | Rating: unrated [ Login to vote ]
+ Dickensian #6  Episode 6 6th Jan 2016 8 years ago 20:30 - 21:00 gb Show
Season 1, Episode 6 - "Episode 6"
Bob Cratchit is desperate to clear his name so that he can get home in time for his daughters wedding. Amelia is confused but intrigued by Compeyson.
Type: Scripted | Network: BBC One | Status: Ended | Rating: unrated [ Login to vote ]
+ Dickensian #5  Episode 5 1st Jan 2016 8 years ago 20:30 - 21:00 gb Show
Season 1, Episode 5 - "Episode 5"
Compeyson is desperate for Miss Havisham to notice him. Martha Cratchit finds her plans thrown into turmoil.
Type: Scripted | Network: BBC One | Status: Ended | Rating: unrated [ Login to vote ]
+ Dickensian #4  Episode 4 27th Dec 2015 8 years ago 20:00 - 20:30 gb Show
Season 1, Episode 4 - "Episode 4"
Amelia is happy to see her brother Arthur at the annual Havisham New Years party. Frances rekindles an old friendship, hoping it may lead to more.
Type: Scripted | Network: BBC One | Status: Ended | Rating: unrated [ Login to vote ]
+ Dickensian #3  Episode 3 27th Dec 2015 8 years ago 19:30 - 20:00 gb Show
Season 1, Episode 3 - "Episode 3"
Bucket meets his enemy Fagin as he believes he may be involved in Marley's murder. Frances thinks she can scupper her sister's plans.
Type: Scripted | Network: BBC One | Status: Ended | Rating: unrated [ Login to vote ]
+ Dickensian #2  Episode 2 26th Dec 2015 8 years ago 19:30 - 20:00 gb Show
Season 1, Episode 2 - "Episode 2"
The Christmas Day celebrations are cut short when news of Jacob Marley's murder passes through the town. Inspector Bucket begins his murder investigation. Amelia is rescued again.
Type: Scripted | Network: BBC One | Status: Ended | Rating: unrated [ Login to vote ]
+ Dickensian #1  Episode 1 26th Dec 2015 8 years ago 19:00 - 19:30 gb Show
Season 1, Episode 1 - "Episode 1"
Amelia and Arthur Havisham gather on Christmas Eve to hear the reading of their father's will. Jacob Marley collects debts from the sick and needy.
Type: Scripted | Network: BBC One | Status: Ended | Rating: unrated [ Login to vote ]
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